Keanu Reeves: A Hero in Real Life

Keanu Reeves is one of the most followed and acknowledged action film actors of all times. Known for his tactical and stealth fighting skills, Keanu enjoys great respect and fan following.

As dashing as he is, Keanu is a hero in real life.

His real life struggle began just at the age of 3 when his drug addicted father abandoned the family. As per The Matrix hero, he realized at a very young age that he has to take the responsibility of his sister. Keanu had a working mother who struggled from city to city just to adjust her kids Keanu and Kim Reeves. She had to settle in Toronto after going through hell in her life.

Keanu was very passionate about acting. However, because of the unfortunate circumstances in the family, he wasn’t following his passion like he thought he should. His sister Kim played a major role in motivating Keanu and making him realize that he has to follow his dreams of becoming an actor. Keanu used to work at a skating rink and along with that, he used to perform small roles on Television in his spare time.

Life always has its own ways to surprise us. If we look around, we will realize that every successful person that we admire in life has gone through a lot. They key to their success would always come down to consistency and not giving up.

Same was the case with Keanu Reeves. He happened to be a great ice hockey player. He got his first major break in the Hollywood movie “Youngblood” which was about A 17 year old farm boy who was offered an ice hockey tryout.

 Keanu drove 4,000 kms to Hollywood for this movie and reunited with his sister who was already there.

As soon as Keanu got his major break, life had another plan set up for Keanu. His best friend River Phoenix lost his life tragically. The Matrix hero was devastated by the news.

“I think he has gone through a lot. I think he hides great pain”

Sandra Bullock

He was so grieved that he started to struggle with his future plans. After going through so many struggles in life, Keanu Reeves was about to collapse and was on the verge to lose all hope. However, yet again, his sister Kim Reeves came to the rescue. She was always there to motivate him. She posted motivational quotes on the fridge for Keanu Reeves. His sister had more belief in him than Keanu in those times.

Keanu lifted himself back up again from the fall. And then came our all time favorite movie “The Matrix”

On the set of Matrix, Keanu Reeves gave $75 million dollars to the hardworking crew members.

This generous act of Keanu clearly depicts that he is a real life hero. As humble as it can be, Keanu would talk to people as if they were his colleagues and not anywhere lower than him.

Right after the movie hit the cinemas, Keanu fell in love with his girlfriend Jennifer. The two had a strong bond together. Keanu soon got the good news from his girlfriend. He was about to become a father to a daughter. Keanu and Jennifer were extremely happy and started to decide the name for their daughter. They named her Ava.

But as the series of events have taken place in his life, there was yet another event waiting for Keanu. Tragedy struck again and their baby girl was stillborn at 8 months and that too on the day of Christmas. While others were planning fun things to do on Christmas, Keanu and Jennifer were making arrangements for the funeral. This event had such a great impact on the couple that they split up. The story doesn’t end here. Jennifer died in a fatal car accident 18 months after.

Can you imagine that your favorite star has gone through so many tragedies? But when you watch his interviews, he is smiling, positive, gracious and composed. He never cries about it for seeking more attention.

While all of this was going on, the person who convinced Keanu every time he was on the verge of giving up became a victim of Cancer. The matrix hero came up to the expectations of his sister for being there for her when she was diagnosed with Leukemia. Keanu was on the shoot for the next Matrix film when he got the news. He immediately put the film on hold and few to LA from Australia after selling his house and moving in with Kim to support her.

He cooked food for her and prepared her medicines. He was the prince and real life hero for his sister. When the pain got too intense, he used to hold her hand tightly.

Keanu Reeves also founded a foundation to research on cancer. He signs free autographs for children with cancer because he understands the agony a cancer patient goes through.

Keanu Reeves is truly a real life hero. There is a strong lesson from his life story.

No matter how bad the situations become, you should never lose hope and never let go of your loved ones.

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